December 17th will forever go down in Beta history as the FIRST of many holiday traditions to come. The SoPHIsticated Ladies of Beta Delta Phi, along with their brothas, Beta Alpha Delta Fraternity, Inc., and their sisters/brothers in Greekdom, Psi Sigma Upsilon Sorority, Inc. and Iota Sigma Upsilon Fraternity, Inc. joined forces to bring toys to the ATL communities so that no child went without a toy on Christmas! For 30 days, each organization was responsible for the promotion and gathering of materials for this first-time collaboration to make it nothing short of a hit! And with a little patience, donations and a WHOLE LOT of Greek energy, the event was a success for not only those who participated, but most importantly for the smiles on the children's faces.

With Beta Delta Phi being "new" on the scene, we are not new to servicing our community in any way possible. We were honored and highly pleased with the success of this event as well as the turnout! A total of 18 families registered and attended the event stemming from all over the Metro Atlanta area, and BDPhi didn't want to disappoint. Along with the gifts, there were games (Christmas limbo, Holiday (musical) Chairs), pictures with Santa, Gingerbread houses and more! The goal was to keep everyone entertained and we believe we did just that! Check out more photos below from the event: